Sustainable diversity and inclusion strategies to cultivate thriving workspaces for all employees


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and employee wellbeing are often pushed to the sidelines within organizations, primarily due to a lack of clarity on where to start or a failure to identify the root causes of high turnover and a disengaged workforce. While EDI has become increasingly “popular,” the challenge lies in not just acknowledging its importance but rolling up your sleeves and doing the necessary work to integrate EDI with wellbeing and create a positive, lasting impact.


Enhanced profits and productivity start with people.

At Soulwork Alliance, we tackle EDI challenges through a comprehensive approach that includes root cause analysis, a thorough review of existing policies, procedures, and programs, and a focus on employee experiences gathered through listening sessions and interviews. Led by Nicole, our strategy development is informed by a unique combination of lived, professional, and educational experiences. We ensure a tailored and practical approach to address identified gaps and cultivate an inclusive workplace culture by integrating leading wellbeing and EDI practices.


What We Offer

Training & Workshops

Strategy & Consulting

Assessments & Investigations

We partner with game changers prepared to challenge outdated cultural and organizational norms, positioning ourselves as an integral extension of your team. Whether you are interested in comprehensive strategy development or ad hoc support, we tailor our services to your EDI and employee wellbeing needs.


The Soul of Soulwork

Soulwork Alliance is an EDI & Wellbeing Consultancy founded by EDI Consultant + Strategist, Nicole Stibbe (she/her). Nicole has spent over 25 years partnering with hundreds of corporate clients to understand their workspaces, compassionately listen to their employees, and develop impactful strategies. She is deeply committed to shifting socially responsible companies who are limited by biased organizational norms and desire to create spaces of belonging by adopting humanized EDI strategies.


 Embrace New Perspectives


Discover timely and crucial industry perspectives on The Soulwork Blog. In this space, Nicole shares valuable learnings and provides actionable insights to actively engage with and apply in your work environments and personal journey.


Welcome to the This is Soulwork Podcast! Here, Nicole Stibbe hosts leading industry experts in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and employee wellbeing. Join us as we delve into illuminating conversations that provide fresh perspectives and invaluable insights, empowering you to enrich your own dialogues.


Let's Create a Culture of Belonging


Resources, Just For You

At Soulwork Alliance, we recognize that embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion is a continuous journey of learning and growth. We’ve curated a selection of tools and materials designed to foster understanding, provoke thought, and inspire action. Whether you're just beginning to explore these concepts or seeking to deepen your existing knowledge, these resources are here to support everyone's development. Engage, share, and grow with us as we work together to build more inclusive environments.